Thursday 30 December 2010

A new year update...By Emma

Christmas has been and gone and New year is fast approaching.......Our fundraising is a never ending job which we knew when we agreed to participate in this challenge and are both really enjoying, both Sarah and I have been busy oragnising our next event which I can now confirm as being a quiz night which will be held at The Falcons Centre(rare breeds centre) on the 24th March at 7pm. Teams will be 6-8 people at the cost of £2.00 each person and we are asking that you book your table as soon as possible, If you require any more details then please contact either of us.
The dates are in I said I would let everybody know so here goes.......Sarah and I will be trekking the Great Wall of China from the 12th May 2012. I cant explain my feelings its a mixture of excitment and anxiety but I am so glad my rollercoaster journey is confirmed and I am going to be taking on the challenge with Sarah, Sarah and I speak daily on the phone with updates on necessary things including all the letters that will be sent out in the next couple of weeks, we have sponsorship requests, requests for raffle prizes and the important ones for now which are kit sponsor requests. We believe the company willing to sponsor our kit will recieve great publicity and advertising and ofcourse will have our heartlfelt thanks so we hope our requests are not overlooked, infact any help from anybody will be recieved with our heartfelt thanks so please if you can help us in any way contact us.
Its really happening Sarah and I will be taking on this challenge and I guess with the new year just round the corner it would not hurt thanking those people again who have supported us in 2010, our friends, our family, our charity, buckland print, rainbow gallery and I know i have missed people out but from the bottom of our hearts THANK YOU.
The cook book is in the process of being amended having noticed a few spelling mistakes we are taking time to get it just right before the final print, Sarah and I have had a sneak preview of how the final look will be and we are so excited and cant wait to announce its arrival. We are yet to decide the cost but thank those that have contacted us regarding this.
Happy new year everybody, thanks again for your support.

Friday 17 December 2010

Christmas update By Emma

Christmas is so very near upon us, its been such a busy period that the blog has been neglected, but please do pop back often to keep an eye on things, your support is always needed and much appreciated by us both.
We recently had are Christmas fundraising event at The rare breeds centre Christmas craft fair. It was a 2 day event held inside our Falcons centre where we had 2 stalls selling homemade cakes, cookies, jams and other such items and also a guess the weight of the cake and how many sweets in the jar competition.
The event was such a huge success that come Sunday night Sarah and i could not believe the total sum of money raised. £345.00
We were overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of the people who made the cakes and of course the people who brought them. We had many donations too which is so kind, are hope is that people realise just how much their support means to us.

Other updates.........
The trekking dates will soon be confirmed and we will very soon know just when it is we will be heading to china, we are both really excited that all the details will be confirmed possibly even before Christmas and will update you all when this becomes apparent.
And of course our update on the cookbook, the Rainbow gallery craft centre have worked so hard on producing the artwork and putting the cookbook together and we are so pleased to say that it has been sent to the printers. Its fantastic news that come the new year we will be launching the cookbook.
Its with such special thanks to BUCKLAND PRESS who are so kindly producing 200 copies of the cookbook for free. Buckland press are a dover based company producing high quality, value for money and fast turnaround printing in the South East. 
Well this does not leave us much else to say other than to all our supporters happy christmas and a happy, healthy new year.